Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/526

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and fill with mixture; cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours.

Cardinal Mousse, with Iced Maderia Sauce

Line a mould with Pomegranate Ice; fill with Italian Meringue made of three-fourths cup sugar, one-third cup hot water, whites two eggs, and one and one-half teaspoons granulated gelatine dissolved in two tablespoons boiling water. Beat until cold, and fold in whip from two cups cream; flavor with one teaspoon vanilla, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours.

Iced Madeira Sauce

1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup Madeira wine
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
Whites 2 eggs

Freeze fruit juice and wine; boil sugar and water, pour on slowly to beaten whites of eggs, set in pan of salted ice-water, and stir until cold. Add to frozen mixture.

Cocoanut Naples, Sauterne Sauce

Shape vanilla ice cream in individual moulds, and roll in shredded cocoanut; serve with

Sauterne Sauce

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
4 tablespoons Sauterne
Burnett's Leaf Green

Make same as Claret Sauce, and color with leaf green.

Ice à la Margot

Serve vanilla ice cream in champagne glasses. Cover ice cream with whipped cream, sweetened, flavored with pistachio, and tinted very light green. Garnish with pistachio nuts or Malaga grapes cut in halves.

Coup aux Marrons

Break marron glacé in pieces, flavor with rum, cover, and let stand one hour. Put in champagne glasses, allowing one and one-half marrons to each glass, cover with vanilla ice