Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/527

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cream, and garnish with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla, and candied rose leaves.

Plombière Glacé

Cover the bottom of small paper cases with vanilla ice cream, sprinkle ice cream with marron glacé broken in pieces, arrange lady fingers at equal distances, and allow them to extend one inch above cases. Pile whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, in the centre and garnish with marron glacé and candied violets or glacé cherries.

Demi-glacé aux Fraises

Line a brick mould with Vanilla Ice Cream, put in layer of lady fingers, and fill the centre with preserved strawberries or large fresh fruit cut in halves; cover with ice cream, pack in salt and ice, and let stand one hour. For ice cream, make custard of two and one-half cups milk, yolks four eggs, one cup sugar, and one-fourth teaspoon salt; strain, cool, add one cup heavy cream and one tablespoon vanilla; then freeze.


Bake Brioche in a Charlotte Russe mould or individual tins, cool, cut a slice from top of cake or cakes, and remove centre or centres, leaving a wall or walls one-half inch thick. Fill with rich Vanilla Ice Cream, invert on serving dish, and pour over

Apricot Marmalade. Drain one can apricots and force the fruit through a strainer. Cook syrup until sufficiently reduced to add to fruit, and make of consistency of marmalade. Add a few drops lemon juice and sugar if necessary. Decorate top with halves of apricots, glacé cherries, and whipped cream.

Flowering Ice Cream

Line two and one-half inch flower-pots with paraffine paper. Fill with ice cream, cover cream with grated vanilla chocolate to represent earth, and insert a flower in each.