Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/528

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Concord Cream

1 pint cream
1-1/4 cups grape juice
1/3 cup sugar
Lemon or fresh lime juice
1/2 cup heavy cream
Pistachio nuts, finely chopped

Mix cream, grape juice, and sugar. Add lemon or lime juice to taste. Freeze, and serve in glasses. Garnish with heavy cream beaten until stiff, sweetened, and flavored. Sprinkle cream with nuts.

German Ice Cream

Mix one and one fourth cups sugar, one tablespoon flour, and one-fourth teaspoon salt. Add two eggs slightly beaten and two cups scalded milk. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, then add two squares melted chocolate, and cool. Add three cups cream and one tablespoon vanilla. Strain and freeze. Just before serving add three cups zweiback dried and broken in small pieces.

Frozen Orange Soufflé

1-1/2 cups orange juice
1-1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Yolks 5 eggs
1-1/2 teaspoons granulated gelatine
3 tablespoons boiling water
2-1/2 cups cream
Candied orange peel
Pistachio nuts

Mix fruit juice, sugar, and yolks of eggs. Cook over boiling water until mixture thickens, then add gelatine dissolved in boiling water. Cool, freeze to a mush, add whip from cream, and continue freezing. Mould, and serve garnished with candied orange peel and pistachio nuts.

Biscuit Tortoni in Boxes

1 cup dried macaroons, finely crushed
2 cups thin cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup sherry
1 pint heavy cream

Soak macaroons in thin cream one hour, add sugar, wine, and freeze to a mush; then add heavy cream beaten stiff. Mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours.

Trim lady fingers, arrange on plate in form of box. Keep in place with ribbon one-half inch wide, and fasten at