Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/551

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Cocoanut Tea Cakes

Roll puff or plain paste to one-fourth inch in thickness. Shape with a lady-finger cutter and bake on a tin sheet in a hot oven. When nearly done remove from oven, cool slightly, brush over with beaten white of egg, sprinkle with shredded cocoanut, and return to oven to finish the cooking.


Bake three sheets of pastry, pricking before baking. Put between the sheets Cream Filling; spread top with Confectioner's Frosting, sprinkle with pistachio nuts blanched and chopped, crease in pieces about two and one-half by four inches, and cut with sharp knife.

Orange Sticks

Cut puff or plain paste rolled one-eighth inch thick in strips five inches long by one inch wide, and bake in hot oven. Put together in pairs, with Orange Filling between.

Lemon Sticks

Lemon Sticks may be made in same manner as Orange Sticks, using Lemon Filling.

Palm Leaves

Roll remnants of puff paste one-eighth inch thick; sprinkle one-half surface with powdered sugar, fold, press edges together, pat and roll out, using sugar for dredging board; repeat three times. After the last rolling fold four times. The pastry should be in long strip one and one-half inches wide. From the end, cut pieces one inch wide; place on baking-sheet, broad side down, one inch apart, and separate layers of pastry at one end to suggest a leaf. Bake eight minutes in hot oven; these will spread while baking.

Raspberry Puffs

Roll plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in pieces four by three and one-half inches. Put one-half tablespoon raspberry jam on centre of lower half of each piece, wet