Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/552

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edges half-way around, fold, press edges firmly together, prick tops, place on sheet, and bake twenty minutes in hot oven.


Roll puff paste one-eighth inch thick. Shape with a fluted round cutter, first dipped in flour; with a smaller cutter remove centres from half the pieces, leaving rings one-half inch wide. Brush with cold water the larger pieces near the edge; fit on rings, pressing lightly. Chill thoroughly, and bake fifteen minutes in hot oven. By brushing tops of rings with beaten yolk of egg diluted with one teaspoonful water, they will have a glazed appearance. Cool, and fill with jam or jelly.

Polish Tartlets

Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in two and one-half inch squares; wet the corners, fold toward the centre, and press lightly; bake on a sheet; when cool, press down the centres and fill, using two-thirds quince marmalade and one-third currant jelly.

Almond Tartlets

Line patty pans with puff or plain paste, fill with the following mixture, and bake in a moderate oven until firm.

Blanch and finely chop one-third pound Jordan almonds. Add two tablespoons cracker rolled and sifted, three eggs slightly beaten, one-third cup sugar, one-third teaspoon salt, two cups milk, and one-half teaspoon vanilla.

Peach Crusts

Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, cut in two and one-half inch squares, and bake in hot oven. Cool, press down the centres, and arrange on each one-half a canned peach drained from syrup and heated in oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put brandy in each cavity. Light just before sending to table.

Malaga Boats

Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, line individual boat-shaped tins, prick, and half fill with rice or barley