Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/608

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  • pan, heat to boiling-point, and boil without stirring thirteen

minutes. Remove from fire, and beat until of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring and pour over cake, spreading evenly with back of spoon. Crease as soon as firm.

Caramel Frosting I

Make same as Milk Frosting, adding one and one-half squares melted chocolate as soon as boiling-point is reached, and flavoring with one-eighth teaspoon cinnamon.

Caramel Frosting II

1-1/3 cups sugar
2/3 cup grated maple sugar
1/2 cup butter
2/3 cup cream

Mix ingredients and boil thirteen minutes. Beat until of right consistency to spread.

Nut Caramel Frosting

1-1/4 cups brown sugar
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup white sugar
Whites 2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup English walnut meats, broken in pieces

Boil sugar and water as for White Mountain Cream. Pour gradually, while beating constantly, on beaten whites of eggs, and continue the beating until mixture is nearly cool. Set pan containing mixture in pan of boiling water, and cook over range, stirring constantly, until mixture becomes granular around edge of pan. Remove from pan of hot water and beat, using a spoon, until mixture will hold its shape. Add nuts and vanilla, pour on cake, and spread with back of spoon, leaving a rough surface.

Opera Caramel Frosting

1-1/2 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup thin cream
1/2 tablespoon butter

Boil ingredients together in a smooth granite saucepan until a ball can be formed when mixture is tried in cold water. It takes about forty minutes for boiling. Beat until of right consistency to spread.