Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/609

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Chocolate Fudge Frosting

1-1/2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup unsweetened powdered cocoa
1-1/4 cups confectioners' sugar
Few grains salt
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Melt butter, add cocoa, sugar, salt, and milk. Heat to boiling-point, and boil about eight minutes. Remove from fire and beat until creamy. Add vanilla and pour over cake.

Mocha Frosting

1/3 cup butter
1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon breakfast cocoa
Coffee infusion

Cream butter, and add sugar gradually, continuing the beating; then add cocoa and coffee infusion, drop by drop, until of right consistency to spread or force through a pastry bag and tube.

Fondant Icing

The mixture in which small cakes are dipped for icing is fondant, the recipe for which may be found in chapter on Confections. Cakes for dipping must first be glazed.

To Glaze Cakes. Beat white of one egg slightly, and add one tablespoon powdered sugar. Apply with a brush to top and sides of cakes. After glazing, cakes should stand over night before dipping.

To Dip Cakes. Melt fondant over hot water, and color and flavor as desired. Stir, to prevent crust from forming on top. Take cake to be dipped on a three-tined fork and lower in fondant three-fourths the depth of cake. Remove from fondant, invert, and slip from fork to a board. Decorate with ornamental frosting and nut meat, candied cherries, angelica, or candied violets. For small ornamented cakes, pound cake mixture is baked a little more than one inch thick in shallow pans, and when cool cut in squares, diamonds, triangles, circles, crescents, etc.

Marshmallow Frosting

Melt one cup white fondant; add the white of one egg beaten until stiff, and stir over the fire two minutes. Remove from range, and beat until of right consistency to spread. Flavor with one-fourth teaspoon water white vanilla.