Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/635

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buttered one-pound baking-powder tins until one-third full; let rise and bake. Cool, and make into sandwiches.

German Sandwiches

Use Zweiback (see p. 61). Spread slices, thinly cut, with jelly or marmalade, and sprinkle with finely cut English walnut meats. Cover with thinly cut slices and remove crusts.

Russian Sandwiches

Spread zephyrettes with thin slices of Neufchâtel cheese, cover with finely chopped olives moistened with Mayonnaise Dressing. Place a zephyrette over each and press together.

Jelly Sandwiches

Spread zephyrettes with quince jelly and sprinkle with chopped English walnut meat. Place a zephyrette over each and press together.

Cheese Wafers

Sprinkle zephyrettes with grated cheese mixed with a few grains of cayenne. Put on a sheet and bake until the cheese melts.


Canapés are made by cutting bread in slices one-fourth inch thick, and cutting slices in strips four inches long by one and one-half inches wide, or in circular pieces. Then bread is toasted, fried in deep fat, or buttered and browned in the oven, and covered with a seasoned mixture of eggs, cheese, fish, or meat, separately or in combination. Canapés are served hot or cold, and used in place of oysters at a dinner or luncheon. At a gentleman's dinner they are served with a glass of Sherry before entering the dining-room.

Cheese Canapés I

Toast circular pieces of bread, sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese seasoned with salt and cayenne. Place on a tin sheet and bake until cheese is melted. Serve at once.