Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/636

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Cheese Canapés II

Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with French Mustard, then proceed as for Cheese Canapés I.

Sardine Canapés

Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with sardines (from which bones have been removed) rubbed to a paste, with a small quantity of creamed butter and seasoned with Worcestershire Sauce and a few grains cayenne. Place in the centre of each a stuffed olive, made by removing stone and filling cavity with sardine mixture. Around each arrange a border of the finely chopped whites of "hard-boiled" eggs.

Lobster Canapés

Finely chop lobster meat and add an equal quantity of yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs forced through a sieve. Moisten with melted butter and heavy cream, using equal parts, and season highly with salt, cayenne, German mustard and beef extract. Spread on sautéd circular slices of bread and garnish with rings cut from whites of "hard-boiled" eggs, yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs, and lobster coral forced through a sieve.

Canapés Martha

Beat yolk one egg, add one and one-half tablespoons cream, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika, one-fourth teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, and a few grains cayenne; then add one-fourth pound cheese cut in small pieces, and cook until smooth, stirring constantly. Spread on sautéd slices of bread, cut in fancy shapes, and cover with finely chopped lobster meat held together with a thick sauce made of Chicken Stock or cream, garnish with rings of whites of "hard-boiled" eggs, yolks of "hard-boiled" eggs, and lobster coral forced through a strainer, and rings of olives.

Anchovy Canapés

Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with Anchovy Butter. Chop separately yolks and whites of "hard-boiled"