Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/701

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Yorkshire Pudding
Franconia Potatoes
Cheese Salad
Frozen Chocolate
Whipped Cream

Shredded Potatoes
Tomato and Horseradish Salad
Custard Soufflé
Creamy Sauce

Ninth Lesson

Scotch Broth
Broiled Scrod
Potato Balls
Egg Salad
Boiled Dressing
Graham Muffins
Cheese Straws
Lemon Tartlets
Apple Puffs

Tenth Lesson

Chicken Fricassee
Rice Croquettes
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Baking-Powder Biscuit
Apple Fritters
Orange Ice
Lily Cake
White Mountain Cream


Terms: $15.00

First Lesson

Sliced Oranges
Cereal with Dates
Scrambled Eggs (country style)
Pan-Broiled Ham
Creamed Codfish with Cheese
Baked Potatoes
Entire Wheat Griddle Cakes with Maple Syrup
Boiled Coffee

Second Lesson

Oyster Soup
Fricassee of Lamb
French Fried Potatoes
Corn à la Southern
Parker House Rolls
Potato Salad
Apricot Shortcake
Cold Cabinet Pudding

Third Lesson

St. Germain Soup
Bread Sticks
Baked Fish with Hollandaise Sauce
Lattice Potatoes
Cabbage and Celery Salad
Cream Dressing
Steamed Fig Pudding
Yellow Sauce

Fourth Lesson

Mock Bisque Soup
Broiled Porterhouse Steak with Bernaise Sauce
Lyonnaise Potatoes
Quaker Biscuit
Oysters and Macaroni
Vanilla Ice Cream
Chocolate Sauce
Rolled Wafers