Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/702

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Fifth Lesson

Roast Chicken
Potatoes Baked in Half Shells
Creamed Cauliflower
Cranberry Sauce
Fish Croquettes
Charlotte Russe
Lady Fingers
Café Noir

Sixth Lesson

White Soup
Chicken Croquettes
Creamed Peas
Banana Fritters
Lobster Salad
Mayonnaise Dressing
Croustades of Savory Oysters
Macedoine Pudding
Gossamer Gingerbread

Seventh Lesson

Fried Smelts
Sauce Tartare
Luncheon Rolls
Chicken Salad
Milk Sherbet
Walnut Cake
Confectioners' Frosting
Whipped Cream

Eighth Lesson

Stuffed Leg of Lamb
Currant Jelly
Anna Potatoes
Lima Beans
Cheese Soufflé
Raised Hominy Muffins
Tomato Jelly Salad
Coffee Soufflé
Salted Almonds

Ninth Lesson

Clam Soup
Larded Fillet of Beef
Mushroom Sauce
Potatoes en Surprise
Devilled Tomatoes
Twin Mountain Muffins
Squash Pie
Orange Sticks

Tenth Lesson

Fried Scallops
Maryland Chicken
Glazed Sweet Potatoes
Rice Timbales
Corn Fritters
Fruit Salad
Macaroon Ice Cream
Sponge Cake


Terms: $18.00

First Lesson

Cream of Mushroom Soup
Fried Oysters
Philadelphia Relish
Beef Tenderloins
Sauce Figaro

Second Lesson

Royal Soup
Smelts à la Menière
Crown of Lamb
Currant Mint Sauce
Brabant Potatoes