Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/760

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Welch's Grape Juice

Purity in grape juice means plain grape juice; that is, juice as you find it in the grape.

Purity is lost by putting in preservatives or by adding coloring matter, or by diluting the juice or by lack of care in any step in manufacture.

Welch's grape juice is pure. The juice from the grapes we use needs nothing to prevent spoiling, nothing to heighten its color and nothing to enhance its food value.

The grapes are inspected before they are washed, washed before they are stemmed and stemmed before they are pressed.

They are the choicest Concords grown in the famous Chautauqua vineyards. We have learned how to transfer the juice from the luscious clusters to the bottle unchanged in any way.

If your dealer doesn't keep Welch's, send $3.00 for trial dozen pints, express prepaid east of Omaha. Booklet of forty delicious ways of using Welch's Grape Juice free. Sample 3-oz. bottle by mail, 10c.