Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/761

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What Users Think of Wheatena

"We are all very fond of it. When I cook any other cereal the children say 'Cook Wheatena, Mamma, I like that best.'"

"It is quite satisfactory; we use it regularly, and like it better than any other. While others may please at first, they do not wear as well."

"The children all enjoy Wheatena very much, and always call for 'second helps.' The cook had difficulty at first in making enough for the young people. Like Oliver Twist they always called for 'more.'"

"I am much happier when I use it than at other times."

"My boy does not care for any cooked cereal but Wheatena. I find he is better satisfied after a breakfast of it, and does not ask for something before lunch."

"It will give you more good, strong food for the size package than any other cereal on the market. It's good."

"I began to use it thirteen years ago when I had my first attack of gastritis, and am using it now. My stomach will not retain anything else during these attacks."

"I have five children who eat it every morning for breakfast and are always lost without it."

Price Fifteen Cents at All Grocers