Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/65

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406. Stellaria nemorum.

In Horsley Wood near Wylam; on the Banks of Tyne below Newburn; in Tecket Wood near Simonburn; and in Woods on the Banks of Irthing near Wardrew, N. In Egleston, Lambton, Cawsey, Beamish, and Ravensworth Woods; and in Hedges at Witton-le-Wear, Cocken, and Baydales near Darlington, D.

407. Stellaria media.

On cultivated Ground, everywhere.

408. Stellaria holostea.

In dry Woods, and on Hedge Banks.

409. Stellaria graminea.

Among Bushes in waste Ground and Hedges.

410. Stellaria uliginosa.

In Ditches, and by Streamlets.

411. Arenaria peploides.

On sandy Sea Shores.

412. Arenaria trinervis.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

413. Arenaria serpyllifolia.

In barren sandy Fields, and on Walls.

414. Arenaria rubra.

On sandy Banks, and in Corn Fields.

415. Arenaria marina.

In Salt Marshes on Wear and Tyne.

416. Arenaria verna.

In Allendale, N. Upon the Wolds near Caldron Snout, Teesdale; and on old Lead Mine Heaps, Weardale, D. [Upon Cronkley Fell]