Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/66

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417. Sedum Telephium.

By the Road Side near Urpeth; by Hedges near Lanchester Ford; and near Durham. In Hag Crag Wood near the High Force, D.—Rev. J. Harriman. On the Banks of Tyne below Paradise near Elswick, N.

418. Sedum acre.

On Walls and in sandy Places, common.

419. Sedum villosum.

By Whey Syke in Teesdale Forest, and near Widdy Bank by the Road that leads Into Harwood Chase; also by Ditches near Burtree Ford, Weardale, D. By Rivulets at the Foot of Cheviot, N.

420. Sedum album.

On the Abbey Bridge near Barnardcastle, D.—Mr E. Robson.

421. Sedum reflexum.

On Walls and Roofs of Houses near Wycliffe and Witton-le-Wear, D. On the Ruins of Alnwick Abbey, N.

422. Oxalis Acetosella.

In Woods and shady Hedges, frequent.

423. Agrostemma Githago.

In Corn Fields, very common.

424. Lychnis Flos Cuculi.

In moist and boggy Meadows.

425. Lychnis dioica, var. α L. diurna.—Sibth.

In moist Woods and Hedges.

Lychnis dioica, var. β L. vespertina.—Sibth.

In Hedges and Corn Fields.