Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/222

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[Auckland and

guished from the figure in English Botany of S. fragile (t. 114.), S. compressum, Ach., whence it comes to be a doubt whether if we consider this, the fruiting, as the ordinary state of the plant, all should not merge into S. compressum, itself a variety of S. corallinum ; against which it may be urged that the membranous Tasmanian specimens also produce fructification abundantly.

3. SphyEROPhoron comjore-ssmn, Ach., Syn. Licit, p. 2S7. Lichen fragilis, Bag. Bot. t. 114.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; on the trunks of trees.

Under 8. auatrale, Laur., we have stated our impression that this is a state of that plant.


1. Stereocaulon ramulo.wiii, Ach., Syn. Lich. p. 284. A. Rich. Flor. Nov. Zel. p. 34. t. 9. f. 3. S. inacrocarpum, A. Bich. 1. c. t. 9. f. 4. Lichen Salazinus, Bory, Voy. vol. iii. p. 10G. t. 1G. f. 3. (Tab. LXXX. Fig. 1.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; particularly abundant in the latter locality.

Our specimens of this plant are truly magnificent, and this has induced us to add a figure, shewing the globose appendices (abortive apothecia) which are not represented in the works quoted above. Small specimens of this species, both from New Zealand, Tasmania and the group now under consideration, so much resemble the S.paschale, as to be with difficulty discriminated from it, whence we suspect the present plant may prove a remarkably luxuriant state of that, for it is abundant throughout many warm latitudes, to the exclusion of the S.paschale, which reappears in the higher latitudes of Cape Horn and Kerguelen's Land.

Plate LXXX. Fig. I. — 1, vertical section of an apothecium; 2, portion of lamina proligera : — both magnified.

2. Stereocaulon Argus, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; thallo erecto tereti-cylindraceo v. subcompresso fastigiatim ramoso albo-cinerascente, gemmis granulatis ramosis, ramulis appendicibus globosis plerumque terminatis, apotheciis terminalibus, excipulo thallode crasso extus rugoso, margine primum inllexo, disco brunneo concavo demum reflexo. (Tab. LXXIX. Kg. II.)

Hab. Campbell's Island; rocks on the mountains, abundant.

Thallns validus, 2-3 unc. altus, primum strictus, erectus, demum curvatus, elongatus. Apothecia magnitudine varia, semper margine thallode crasso immersa; excipuli marginibus retate per reflexionem marginis apothecii omnino oeclusis ; ascis oblongo-lanceolatis, granulis angidatis repletis, filamentis raris dilatatis transverse septatis immixtis.

A very distinct plant, well characterized by the thick cup into which its plane apothecia are immersed, the latter in age become much broader, their margins roll back carrying the border of the excipulus inwards, when it requires a longitudinal section to shew the true nature of the apothecium.

Plate LXXIX. Fig. II. — 1, a specimen in the ordinary state ; 2, the same much older, both of the natural size; 3, section of young apothecium; 4, section of ripe ditto; 5, the same when old ; 6, portion of lamina proligera; 7, septate filament ; 8, asci : — all more or less magnified.


1. CjENOMyce rangiferina, Ach., Syn. Lich. p. 277. Engl. Bot. 1. 173.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; on the ground.