Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/223

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Campbell's Islands.]

2. Cænomyce aggregata, Ach., Syn, Lich, p. 275. C. terebrata, Laurer, in Linnaa, vol. ii. p. 43. (fid. eel. Montague.) Dufourea collodes, nobis, in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 650. (Tab. LXXX. Fig. II.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; on the ground, abundant.

One of the most widely diffused species throughout the Southern Hemisphere ; though variable, its limits are well defined. Its nearest ally is the beautiful C. retijjora, Lab.

Plate LXXX. Fig. II. — 1, a specimen in the ordinary state, natural size; 2, portion of the same, magnified;

3, large, and 4, small variety, natural size; 5, apothecium, magnified. 3. C/EXOHYCE ecmocyna, var. gracilis, Ach. Syn. Licit, p. 2G1. Engl. Bot. t. 12S4. Scharer, Licit. Helv. vol. lxv. C. sarmentosa, nobis, in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 651. Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on dry ground on the hills.

4. GMNOKYCEjpyzidata, Ach., Syn, Licit, p. 252. Engl. Bot. t. 1393. Scltcerer, no. 68.

Var. rigitla ; olivaceo-cinerea tota gemniis granulatis tecta, t hallo foliaceo, podetiis brevibus inflatis rigidis scaberrirnis. C. rigida, nobis, in Lond. Journ. of Bot. p. 652.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; in the woods j p, on dry turfy soil. 5. Cenosiyce uncialis, Ach., Syn. Licit, p. 276. Engl. Bot. 1. 174. Hab. Lord Auckland's group. [Admiral If Urville.)


1, Peltidea polydactyla, Ach., Syn. Licit, p. 240. Mougeot el Nestler, n. 633.

Hab. Campbell's Island ; on the ground, abundant.

7. STICTA, Ach.

1. Sticta orygmma, Ach., Syn. Licit, p. 233. Montague in Toy. auPole Slid, Bot. Crypt, t. 15. f. 1.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; on the branches of slirubs, very abundant.

Acharius cites "Staten Land" as the habitat of this species ; we have never seen specimens from the American Continent (the Cape Horn station epioted in the 'Lond. Journ. of Bot.' being erroneous), whence it is possible that the author may refer to another plant ; we have, however, followed our friend Montague, who gives this name to his beautiful plate of our plant.

2. Sticta foveolata, Delise, Monogr. de Sticta, p. 101. t. 8. f. 36. Mont, in Toy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, ined. S. linearis, nobis [in part), Lond. Journ. of Bot. vol. iii. p. 647.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the trunks of trees.

Except in being of a rather larger size, this does not differ from a copious suite of specimens which we have examined from Tasmania. The apotheeia are variable, generally with the disk flat, but sometimes concave, and in these specimens very much so. In both this and the 8. Billardieri, which seems hardly distinct from it, the border of the apotheeia is often evanescent.