Page:The Boynton family and the family seat of Burton Agnes.djvu/94

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This Sir John died in 1471,[1] but long before his death he had leased the manor of Burton Agnes to his son, Walter Griffith and Joan his wife, for their lives, and by a subsequent deed released it in fee. This son Walter seems to have taken after his father in mischief, for he picked a quarrel with Martin de la See of Barmston, which cost at least one life and serious injury to many more.[2] Sir Walter was at Burton Agnes as early as 1457, and probably that portion of the building over the early basement to the west of the present Hall is his work. It was in 1457 that he and his wife Joan had leave to have an oratory for a year. He died in 1481, and was buried under "the great tomb before the altar of the Blessed Virgin,"[3] with his first wife Joan Neville, a great granddaughter of John of Gaunt. His name occurs in the Pardon Roll of 1472, from which it appears that he took the Lancastrian side, as we should have expected from his connection with the elder house of Neville (his first wife was cousin of Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland, and his brother, Sir John Neville, who was slain at Towton). His second wife (who survived him and afterwards married Sir Gervase Clifton) was Agnes Constable, of Flambrough, sister of the "little Sir Marmaduke," who, when 71 years of age, rendered with his four sons distinguished service at Flodden. Agnes's will[4] provides that her body "be buried (in) Anesburton Church in the chauntre closett therin, by our Lady, as my sonne knawthe"; she leaves to her son Griffith "all hangynges of chambres, hall and parlour, etc., at Burton and all leides and vessells, etc., and other such stuf as I had when 'I kept howse ther'; to Margaret Ussher she leaves "ye beid house yt she dwelles in at Burton during her lyfe, and she to have yearly Xs. to fynd her wyth yf she kepe her a wydow. Also in lyk maner to Janet Houpe. And to Janet

Yong I gyf ye (house) she dwelles in lykwise and to have

  1. Inq. p.m. 11 Ed. IV, No. 30.
  2. Papers at B. A.
  3. Misc. Gen. et. Hen. I, 64.
  4. Test Ebor. IV. 242.