Page:The Boynton family and the family seat of Burton Agnes.djvu/95

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iijs iiijd by yere, if my son relief her wt. potage as I dyd; and if he do nott, then I will yt she also have Xs. during her lyve and a wydow, and thus after ye rate, if my son kepe house, sumtyme and sumtjmie not."

Her son, the second Sir Walter Griffith, was knighted[1] in Scotland in 1497 by the Earl of Surrey when he repelled the invasion of James IV at the time of Perkin Warbeck's insurrection. He was High Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1501,[2] and at the time of his death in 1531 he was Constable of Scarborough Castle. His will, which is full of interest, provides that his body "be beried in the new Chappell, annexed to the Churche of Sancte Martyn at Annas Burton, where my ladie, my moder lieth."[3] He wills that "a priest be wadged to pray for the leth of my soull, my fader's and moder's—in the Church and Chappell of Annas Burton, where my said moder is beried, for the space of fortie yeres after my decesse, and to have yerely for his wages eight marces, supposing that by such space as thies yeres shal be ended myne heires, of there charitable mynd will devise for the helth of theire soulls and ours in likewise; and so from heire to heire for ever, so to be continued, whiche I pray God grante them grace for to do, according to the good example of my moder that this did begyn." He refers to lands in Wales which he sold to Sir Ryse ap Thomas, Kt., a fact of which we are reminded by some modern glass in the Church.

His son and successor Sir George Griffith was, when 21 years old knighted at Calais in 1532, on the occasion of the meeting of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn with Francis I.[4] In 1537 he was on the jury which tried Nicholas Tempest for his part in the Pilgrimage of Grace.[5] One of his daughters married Sir William Clopton, and is represented on the tomb in the Clopton Chapel in Stratford-on-Avon Church.

  1. Metcalfs Book of Knights, 31.
  2. Langdale.
  3. Test Ebor. V. 287.
  4. Metcalf's Book of Knights, 62.
  5. Y.A. S. Journal. XI. 269.