Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/27

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All the lost virtues of great Arthur you
In Albianus can exactly shew:
The lustre of the long set Sun you find
By those reflections which he leaves behind.
Could Vortiger but know how by your Muse
his actions are out-done, he would refuse
All that he once thought great, whilst he is taught,
Virtue, and honour, must from hence be sought.
Courage to ev'ry Hero you have lent,
To shew, small stars make up a firmament,
The fair Bonduca would desire more
Those beauties you describe, than those she wore:
And think the gods had sent you from above
To add a greatness to her soul, and love.
Merlinu's worth, which time had long obscur'd,
Is from your noble Muse to us secur'd:
That ev'n the Grecian Stagerite might take
Instructions, where thy Poem makes him speak:
