Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/28

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Whose lost Prophetick glory now we see
Reviv'd, whilst here he makes his prophesie.
Virtue is so exacty drawn by you,
That none can question what he ought to do:
By those examples which in this are given,
You seem at once us to oblige, and heaven.
No dangerous mountains make your work seem rough,
But gentle risings, and yet high enough.
Which through the whole are so exactly wrought,
It seems as well the child of pains, as thought.
On Princes actions when you cease to toyl,
Describing all the pleasures of this soyl,
Kind nature will be pleas'd, since here is sung
All by her secret operations done:
Though blushing she must wonder, since no more,
Than hers, your bounty lessens not your store.
Beauties not less oblig'd, since by your Muse
Is giv'n her all the features she could chuse,
