Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/35

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Book 1.
An Heroick Poem.
And like the Vulgar Issue of Mankind,
Beget their Mighty Race, unlike in Mind.
Whence such vast Structures, they for Empire lay
In their less Glor'ous Successors decay.
And as it were too much for Mortal State,
Seldome are seen 'like Prosperous, and Great.
While here for Brittain's Glory, Heaven does give,
A Son, in whom his Fathers Virtues Live;
Fam'd Albianus, in whose Mighty Soul,
Met all the Glories of Great Arthur's Rule.
In War Approv'd, and in his Councels Wise,
Steps by which Princes, best to Thrones do Rise.
Who o'r the West of Brittains Fertile soile,
His Fathers Sword Preserv'd, and his brave Toyle;
Did then extend his Empire, while the rest,
By other Famous Princes was Possest.
With him three Monarchs, fertile Brittain own'd,
The East of which, had fair Bonduca Crown'd;
