Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/36

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The Brittish Princes,
Book 1.
While Royal Vortigers, the North does Bound,
Where Scots Repining, till their fruitless Ground.
From Mighty Britttish Kings, Time long Deriv'd
Their High Descents, who best Examples Liv'd
Of Royal Greatness, nor did thirst of Power,
Which in Ambitious Princes men deplore,
Their Scepters happy Concord Dis-unite,
Who held it Impious, to Invade a Right;
Espousing here one mutual Peace, or War,
Which must their Councels, and their Conducts share.
Oh happy Rule, where Monarchs thus maintain
Their Peoples Rights, and like just Neighbors Reign!
Whose Power to Subjects, from their Laws was known
Like Heavens Prerogative, from order shown;
That in their several Sphæres they seem'd to move,
With Harmony, resembling those Above.
With these Bonduca Reign'd, whose Matchless Story,
Fame must for ever speak, with highest Glory;
