Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/37

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Book 1.
An Heroick Poem.
Perfect in Virtue, with best Prudence Joyn'd,
That, from her Soul, her State, did Greatness find;
Nor did her Beauties, less Perfection show,
That Nature summ'd in her, what she could do.
Whose Graces, through the World scarce fame had spread,
But greatest Princes, did their Courtships speed;
Ambitious of Alliance with her Crown,
Or in her Beauties to Espouse a Throne.
Whose Bright Attractions, with her Virtues joyn'd,
To highest wonder, ev'n her Foes inclin'd.
Wishing above all Conquest, they might gain
Her Loves Dominion, as their noblest Reign,
While for her State, she takes assiduous care,
How to prevent, the sad effects of War:
Which, but too lately, this Rich Isle did waste,
And, to the Princes, does wise Counsels haste.
Now, Albianus Court, the Scene must be,
For this so high Concern of Brittany:
