Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/428

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Willard's Doctrine of the Covenant of Redemption. Boston, 1693. (60) Christian Reader. Prefixed to F. Makemie's Answer to G. Keith's Libel. Boston, 1694. [Signed by I. M. and four others.] (61) The Answer of Several Ministers in and near Boston, To that Case of Conscience, Whether it is Lawful for a Man to Marry his Wives own Sister? Boston, 1695, 1711. [Signed by I. M. and seven others.] (62) To the Reader. Prefixed to C. Mather's Johannes in Eremo. Boston, 1695. (63) Solemn Advice to Young Men Not to Walk in the Wayes of their Heart, etc. Boston, 1695. (64) Angelographia, Or A Discourse Concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels, and the Great Benefit which the True Fearers of God Receive by their Ministry ... To which is added, A Sermon concerning the Sin and Misery of the Fallen Angels: Also a Disquisition concerning Angelical-Apparitions. Boston, 1696. (65) A Disquisition concerning Angelical Apparitions, in cases of conscience, etc. Boston, 1696. [Bound with no. 64.] (66) A Case of Conscience Concerning Eating of Blood, Considered and Answered. Boston, 1697. (67) A Discourse Concerning the Uncertainty of the Times of Men, And The Necessity of being Prepared for Sudden Changes & Death. Delivered in a Sermon . . . On Occasion of the Sudden Death of Two Scholars belonging to Harvard Colledge. Boston, 1697. (68) The Epistle Dedicatory. To the Church at Cambridge in New-England, and To the Students of the Colledge there. Prefixed to C. Mather's Ecclesiastes or Life of J. Mitchel. Boston, 1697. (69) David Serving His Generation . . . Occasioned by the Death, of the Reverend Mr. John Baily, etc. Boston, 1698. (70) Masukkenukeeg Matcheseaenvog Wequetoog kah Wuttooanatoog, etc. Boston, 1698. [Five sermons of I. M. translated into Indian by S. Danforth.] (71) A Faithful Advice from several Ministers of the Gospel, relating to Dangers that may arise from Imposters, Boston, [1699]. (72) The Folly of Sinning, Opened & Applyed, In Two Sermons. Occasioned by the Condemnation of one that was Executed at Boston . . . on November 17th. 1698. Boston, 1699. (73) The Surest way to the Greatest Honour: Discoursed in a Sermon, Delivered In the Audience of . . . the Earl of Bellomont, etc. Boston, 1699. (74) To the Reader. Prefixed to S. Willard's Peril of the Times. Boston, 1699. London, 1700. (75) Two Plain and Practical Discourses Concerning I. Hardness of Heart ... II. The Sin and Danger of Disobedience to the Gospel. London, 1699. (76) To the Reader. Prefixed to C. Mather's Everlasting Gospel. 1699 [?]. (77) The Order of the Gospel, Professed and Practised by the Churches of Christ in New-England, Justified, by the Scripture, and by the Writings of many Learned men, etc. Boston, 1700. Reprinted the same year in Boston and London. [Answered by T. Woodbridge and "sundry Ministers of the Gospel," in the Gospel Order Revived, printed in New York, 1700, because the influence of the Mathers with the printers closed the Boston press.] (78) The Blessed Hope, And the Glorious Appearing of the Great God our Saviour, . . . Opened & Applyed, in Several [six] Sermons. Boston, 1701. (79) A Collection, Of Some Of the Many Offensive Matters, Contained in a Pamphlet, Entituled, The Order of the Gospel Revived. Boston, 1701. [See no. 77 above.] (80) A Discourse Proving that the Christian Religion, Is the only True Religion: Wherein, The necessity of Divine Revelation is Evinced, in several Sermons. Boston, 1702. (81) The Excellency of a Publick Spirit Discoursed: In a Sermon, Preached in the Audience of the General Assembly, etc. Boston, 1702. (82) The Glorious Throne: Or, A Sermon Concerning The Glory of the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ, Which is now in Heaven, and shall quickly be seen on The Earth. Boston, 1702. [Appended to no. 83.] (83) Ichabod. Or, A Discourse, Shewing what Cause there is to Fear that the Glory of the Lord is Departing from New-England. Delivered in Two Sermons. Boston, 1702. (84) The Righteous