Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/429

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The Puritan Divines, 1620-1720

Man A Blessing: Or, Seasonable Truths Encouraging unto Faith and Prayer In this Day of Doubtful Expectation. Delivered in Two Sermons. Boston, 1702. [Appended to no. 81.] (85) Some Remarks On a late Sermon ... By George Keith M.A. Shewing That his pretended Good Rules in Divinity, are not built on the foundation of the Apostles & Prophets. Boston, 1702. (86) The Duty of Parents To Pray For their Children, Opened & Applyed in a Sermon, Preached May 19. 1703. Which Day was set apart ... to Seek unto God by Prayer with Fasting for the Rising Generation. Boston, 1703. Another ed. the same year. 1719. (87) Soul-Saving Gospel Truths. Deliver'd in several Sermons: Wherein is shew'd, I. The Unreasonableness of those Excuses which Men make for their Delaying ... II. That for Men to Despair of the Forgiveness of their Sins . . . is a great Evil. III. That every Man in the World is going into Eternity. Boston, 1703, 1712. (88) A Brief Discourse Concerning the Prayse Due to God, for his Mercy, in Giving Snow like Wool . . . etc. Boston, 1704. [A portion of no. 91.] (89) Practical Truth's Tending to Promote Holiness in the Hearts & Lives of Christians. Delivered in several Sermons. Boston, 1704. (90) To the Reader. Prefixed to J. Dummer's Discourse on the Holiness of the Sabbath Day. Boston, 1704, 1763. (91) The Voice of God, in Stormy Winds. Considered, in Two Sermons, Occasioned by the Dreadful and Unparallel'd Storm, in the European Nations. Boston, 1704. [See no. 88.] (92) A Letter, About the Present State of Christianity, among the Christianized Indians of New-England. Written, To the Honourable, Sir William Ashurst, etc. Boston, 1705. (93) To the Church and Congregation at Maldon. Prefixed to C. Mather's Faithful Man. Boston, 1705. (94) Meditations on the Glory, of the Lord Jesus Christ: Delivered in several Sermons. Boston, 1705. (95) A Discourse Concerning Earthquakes. Occasioned by the Earthquakes which were in New-England . . . June 16 . . . Also, Two Sermons, shewing, That Sin is the Greatest Evil ; And That to Redeem Time is the Greatest Wisdom. Boston, 1706. (96) A Discourse Concerning the Maintenance Due to those That Preach the Gospel: In Which, That Question Whether Tithes Are by the Divine Law the Ministers Due, Is Considered, And the Negative Proved. Boston, 1706. London, 1709. (97) Needful Caution against a sin that easily besets us. Sermon at Boston Lecture. June 15th. 1706. Boston, 1706. (98) A Plea for the Ministers Of the Gospel, Offered to the Consideration of the People of New-England. Being an Exposition of Galat. vi. 6. etc. Boston, 1706. (99) A Disquisition on the State of the Souls of Men when separated from their Bodies. Boston, 1707. (100) The Doctrine of Singular Obedience, As the Duty and Property of the True Christian, etc. Boston, 1707. (101) Meditations on Death . . . Wherein is shewed: I. That some True Believers . . . Are afraid of Death ... II. That Good Men . . . may be taken out of the World by a Sudden Death. III. That not Earth but Heaven is the Christians Home. Boston, 1707. (102) To the Reader. Prefixed to S. Moodey's Vain Youth Summoned. Boston, 1707. (103) A Dissertation, wherein The Strange Doctrine Lately Published in a Sermon, The Tendency of which, is, to Encourage Unsanctified Persons ... to Approach the Holy Table of the Lord, is Examined and Confuted. With an Appendix, Shewing What Scripture Ground there is to Hope, that within a very few years there will be a Glorious Reformation of the Church throughout the World. Boston, 1708. Edinburgh, 1710, 1713. The Appendix seems to have been published separately in 1710. [An echo of the Stoddardean controversy over the grounds of admission to the Lord's Supper. Stoddard replied in An Appeal to the Learned, which brought forth other replies.] (104) Preface to Silesia, Praise out of the mouth of Babes, etc. London, 1708. (105) To the Reader. Prefixed to C. Mather's Good Evening for the Best of