Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/461

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Hodge, Chas. Essays and Reviews. 1856, pp. 539-633.

Holmes, O. W. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. Boston, 1891. Also as Jonathan Edwards, The International Review, vol. 9, pp. 1-28, July 1880.

Hopkins, S. An Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness, with an Appendix containing an Answer to Mr. Hart's Remarks on Edwards' Dissertation .... Newport, 1773. (E. 1281). New York, 1791. (E. 23448.) Same with changes by John Hawksley. London, 1815.

—Life and Character of the late Rev. Mr. J. Edwards with Sermons. Boston, 1765. (E. 9961.) Without Sermons as The Life of the Late Reverend . . . Mr. Jonathan Edwards. Boston, 1765. (E. 10008.) Northampton, 1804.

Ivernach, James. The Evangelical Succession. 3 ser. Edinburgh, 1883.

James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. 1902.

Jonathan Edwards. Connecticut Evang. Mag., vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 161-178. Hartford, May, 1808.

—Last Will and the Inventory of his Estate. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 33, no. 131, pp. 438-447. Andover, July, 1876.

Jones, A. L. Early American Philosophers. 1898.

King, H. C. Jonathan Edwards as Philosopher and Theologian. Hartford Sem. Rev., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 23-57. Hartford, Nov., 1903.

Lossing, B. J. Eminent Americans, 1857.

Lyon, Georges. L'Idealisme en Angleterre au 18e Siecle. Paris, 1888.

Lowell, D. O. S. The Descendants of Jonathan Edwards. (Illustrated.) Munsey's Mag., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 263-273. June, 1906.

MacClelland, G. Predestination and Election . . . preceded by an Answer to the System of Edwards. Edinburgh, 1848.

McCook, H. C. Jonathan Edwards as a Naturalist. Presby. and Ref. Rev., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 393-402. July, 1890.

MacCracken, J. H. Jonathan Edwards Idealismus. Halle, 1899.

—The Sources of Jonathan Edwards' Idealism. Phil. Rev., Vol. II, Jan., 1902.

Mackintosh, James. A General View of the Progress of Ethical Philosophy . . . In Encyc. Brit., 7 ed., vol. 1, pp. 293-429. Edinburgh, 1842.

Macphail, Andrew. Essays in Puritanism. Boston, 1905.

Magoun, G, F. President Edwards as a Reformer. Cong. Quart., vol. 9, (Whole Series), no. 2, p. 265. Boston, April, 1869.

The Manuscripts of President Edwards. Littell's Living Age, vol. 36, no. 453, pp. 181-182. Boston, 21 Jan., 1853.

Maurice, F. D. Modern Philosophy. London, 1862.

The Memorial Volume of the Edwards' Family Meeting at Stockbridge, Mass. . . . Boston, 1871.

Miller, Samuel. Life of Jonathan Edwards. In Sparks's Library of American Biography, vol. 8, Boston, 1837. New York, 1854.

Minton, H. C. President Jonathan Edwards. Presby. Quart., vol. 13, no. 47, pp. 68-94. Charlotte, N. C, Jan., 1899.

Orr, James. The Influence of Edwards. See Exercises.

—Jonathan Edwards, His Influence in Scotland. Cong, and Christ. World, vol. 88, no. 40, pp. 467-469. Boston, 3 Oct., 1903.

Osgood, Samuel. Studies in Christian Biography. 1850.

—Jonathan Edwards. Christ. Examiner, vol. 44, (4 ser. vol. 9), pp. 367-386. Boston, May, 1848.

Park, E. A. Original Letters of President Edwards. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. I, no. 3, pp. 579-591. New York and Andover, Aug., 1844.