Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/462

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Park, E. A. Remarks of Edwards on the Trinity. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 38, no. 149, pp. 147-187. Andover, Jan., 1881. Continued no. 150, pp. 333-369, April, 1881.

—The Rise of the Edwardean Theory of the Atonement .... Andover, [185-?]

Patton, W. Edwards on Revivals. London, 1839.

Platner, J. W. Religious Conditions in New England in the Time of Edwards. See Exercises.

Plues, R. The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon and his Brethren . . . President Edwards and Others ... in the Crucible . . . North Shields, 1862.

Porter, Noah. Philosophy in Great Britain and America. In Überweg, History of Philosophy, tr. Morris, G. S., vol. 2, pp. 442-450. London, 1874.

—The Princeton Review on Dr. Taylor and the Edwardean Theology. New Englander, vol. 18, no. 71, pp. 726-773. New Haven, Aug., 1860.

The Power of Contrary Choice . . . Princeton Rev., vol. 12 (n. s.), no. 4, pp. 532-549, Philadelphia, Oct., 1840.

Preservation against the Doctrine of Fate . . . . Boston, [1770?].

President Edwards' Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 10, no. 40, pp. 705-738. Andover, Oct., 1853.

President Edwards on Charity and its Fruits. New Englander, vol. 10. (n. s. 4), no. 37, pp. 222-236. New Haven, May, 1852.

Rand, W. The Late Religious Commotion in New England: An Answer to Jonathan Edwards' Distinguishing Marks. Boston, 1743. Not in Evans.

Result of a Council of Nine Churches met at Northampton, June 22, 1750, with a Protest against the same, by a Member of Said Council. N. p., n. d. Not in Evans.

Richards, W. R. Commemorative Sermon. See Exercises.

Ridderbos, Jan. De Theologie van Jonathan Edwards. Hague, 1907.

Riley, I. Woodbridge. American Philosophy: The Early Schools. 1907.

—The Real Jonathan Edwards. Open Court, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 705-715. Chicago, Dec, 1908.

—American Thought. 1915.

Sanborn, F. B. The Puritanic Philosophy and Jonathan Edwards. Journ. Spec. Phil, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 401-421, Oct., 1883.

Sherman, David. Sketches of New England Divines, i860.

Smyth, E. C. Appendix. See Exercises.

—The Flying Spider. Andover Rev., vol. 13, no. 73, pp. 1-19. Boston, Jan., 1890.

—Jonathan Edwards' Idealism. Amer. Jour. Theol., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 950-964. Chicago, Oct., 1897.

—Observations concerning the Scriptural Oeconomy of the Trinity. . . Introduction, 1880.

—Professor Allen's "Jonathan Edwards" . . . Andover Rev., vol. 13, no. 75, pp. 285-304. Boston, Mar., 1890.

—Some Early Writings of Jonathan Edwards .... Proc. Amer. Ant. Soc, vol. 10, pp. 212-247. Worcester, 1896.

—The Theology of Edwards. See Exercises. Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit, vol. 1, 1856, 1859, 1866.

Squires, W. H. Jonathan Edwards und seine Lehre. Lucka, 1901.

—The Edwardean. A Quarterly devoted to the History of Thought in America. Clinton, New York, 1903-1904.