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The Canal System of England.

Kilometric Tonnage.
Rail. Water.
1883 11,000 millions 2,000 millions.
1900 16,000  „ 4,675  „

Thus it may be seen that while the water traffic in 1900 was nearly 212 times as great as in 1883, the Railway Traffic only increased by one half.

The brilliant example of France in the modernisation of her Canals, Rivers and Ports, and the thorough and effective way in which by maintaining her inland navigations toll free she has tried to aid her manufacturers with the cheapest possible method of transport for goods, are worthy of high praise and close imitation.

Germany.In the course of the years 1890 to 1900, the natural waterways of the Kingdom of Prussia have been mostly improved by carrying out various works to adapt the rivers to local requirements, and over £5,000,000 have been expended in the construction of canals and the canalization of rivers.

1899, Prussian Canal Bill.In 1899 a Bill was drawn up, called the Midland Canal Bill. It comprised the construction of a Ship Canal connecting the Rhine Weser and Elbe in three parts, altogether costing £13,000,000.