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The Canal System of England.

1900, Prussian Amended Canal Bill.This original Bill not having been favourably received, an amended Bill was laid before the Prussian House of Deputies early in 1900. In it extensive concessions were made to its opponents; and the whole project was extended so as to include the supplementary works considered necessary by them.

Thus, the Rhine-Elbe Canal was to remain the same as before, efforts being made to extend the network towards the Eastern Provinces. The Warthe, Netze, and Brahe, and the Bromberger Canal were to be so improved as to allow vessels of 400 to 500 tons to pass from the Rhine to the Vistula, and then, by making use of the "Frischen and Kurischen Haffs," to Königsberg and Memel. An attempt was to be made to increase the depth of water on the Upper Oder to over 412 feet so as to obtain a good waterway from Cosel to Berlin and Stettin. The waterway between the latter town and Berlin was to be much improved. The regulating of the Lower Oder was also to receive great attention, in connection with the Berlin-Stettin Canal. The completion of the "Masurischer" Canal, planned in 1874, but not then carried out, had also been intended, but was afterwards abandoned. The regulation of the Spree and Lower Havel was included. In fact, the Government tried to include all the recent projects for improving the most important waterways.