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The Canal System of England.

Cost of 1900 Canal Bill.The cost of the Rhine-Elbe part of this Bill, as described above in the original Bill, remained at 13,039,235l. In addition, 2,075,000l. was to be granted for the Berlin-Stettin section, 1,131,550l. for the waterway from the Oder to the Vistula and for the Warthe, and 205,000l. for the improvement of the waterway between Silesia and the Oder-Spree Canal. The total sum asked for, therefore, under the new Bill was 16,450,785l. This Bill is still pending before the Landtag in June, 1902.

Other projects regarding Waterways.Other prominent projects are:—

The canalization of the Moselle-Saar.

The connection of Leipzig with Bresa, on the Elbe, and thus with the northern waterways.

A canal from Schwerin to the Baltic.

A canal from the Dortmund-Ems Canal to the Weser, via Oldenburg.

The improvement of the Rhine from Mannheim to Strasburg at a cost of 600,000l. All the final arrangements for beginning this great work are now completed. It is a most important project, as it will cheapen goods traffic not only to Switzerland and South Germany, but also to some parts of Italy and France. A depth of 6½ feet at low water is to be obtained.

VIII.—Changes of Level.

Attention must now be given to the different methods of effecting changes of level, with their economic aspect.