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Their deeds, and their glory, thy lays shall prolong,
And the fame of thy country shall still live in song.
Tho' the proud wreath of victory 'round heroes may'twine,
"fis the poet that crowns them with honors divine;
E'en thy laurels, Pelides, had sank in the tomb,
Had the bard not preserved them immortal in bloom.

Be ignorance thy choice where knowledge leads to woe.

Je suis jeune, il est vrai; mais dansles ames bien nées
La valeur n' attend pas le nombre des années.

In the ordinary course of the world, in that intercourse of flattery and falsehood, where every one deceives and is deceived; where all appear under a borrowed form; profess friendship they do not feel, and bestow praises only .to be praised in return; men bow the lowest to those they,despise most.—But he who lives retired from this ' fcene of delusion expects no compliment from others, and beatows them only where they are deserved. All the insidious giimaces of public life are nothing compared with the inspiring smiles of friendship, which smooth the rugged road, and soften all our toils.

Of what value are all the babblings and vain boastings of society, to that domestic felicity which we experience in the company of an amiable woman, whose charms awaken the dormant faculties of the soul, and fill