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the mind with finer energies; whose smiles prompt our enterprizes, and whose assistance ensures success; who inspires us with congenial greatness and sublimity; who with judicious penetration, weighs and examines our thoughts, our actions, our whole character; who observes all our foibles, warns us with sincerity of their consequences, and reforms us with gentleness and affection; who by a tender communication of her thoughts and observations conveys new instruction to our minds; and by pouring the warm and generous feelings of her heart into our bosoms, animates us incessantly to the exercise of every virtue, and completes the polished perfection of our character by the soft allurements of love, and the delightful concord of her sentiments. In such an intercourse, all that is virtuous and noble in human nature, is preserved within the breast and every evil propensity dies away.


Not want of heart, but want of art
Hath made my gift so small;
Then loving heart, take hearty love,
To make amends for all:
Take gift with heart, and heart with gift,
Let will supply my want;
For willing heart, nor hearty will,
Nor is nor shall be scant
Wit's Interpreter. 1655.