Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/242

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24 November, 1851, son of Christian Sloane and Elizabeth O'Conor. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College and Columbia University, New York. Mar- ried: 1. Isabel X. Mitchell, of Brooklyn, New York; 2. Alice M. Eyre, of Dublin, Ireland, 1884; professor of natural sciences, Seton Hall College, South Orange, New Jersey, 1888-1889; has held the post of assistant editor on the "Plumber and Sanitary Engineer", "Scientific American", and "Youth's Companion"; member New Jersey Board of Education 1905-1911; scientific lecturer; resident at South Orange, New Jersey. Has acted as expert in many patent law suits; discovered new method for determining sul- phur in illuminating gas, 1877; invented self-record- ing photometer, 1879. Member of the American Chemical Society, of the New York Club, of the Larchmont and Manhassett Bay Yacht Club, of the Automobile Club of America. Author of: "Home Experiments in Science" (1888); "Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of India Rubber" (1891); "Arithmetic of Electricity" (1891); "Elec- tricity Simplified" (1891); "Standard Electrical Dictionary" (1892); "Electric Toy Making for Amateurs" (1892); "How to Become a Successful Electrician" (1894); "Liquid Air and the Liquefac- tion of Gases" (1899); "Electrician's Handy Book" (1905); "Elementary Electrical Calculations" (1909); "Electric Light", translated from the French of Alglave and Boulard (1884); "Life of St. Francis of Assisi", translated from the Danish of Jorgenson (1912); compiler of "Facts Worth Knowing" (1890); collaborator in: " Encyclopaedia Britannica " ; "Min- eral Industry of the United States"; etc.; contribu- tor to scientific journals in Europe and the United States.

ARTICLES: Adultekation of Food; Alchemy; Atom; Chaptal, Jean-Antoine, Comte de Chanteloup; Despeetz,


SuviBA, Fausto de; Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk von; Helmont, Jan Baptist van; Pelletier, Pierre- Joseph; Pelotjze, Th]6o- phile-Juleb; Sainte-Claihe Deville, Chableb; Sainte-Clairb Deville, Henri-Etienne; Th^nard, Louis-Jacques, Babon.

Sloet, Reverend Dominictjs a.w.h., b. at Dene Ramp, Overijssel, Holland, 29 Oct., 1855. Education: Gymnasium, Oldenzaal, and seminaries, Culemborg and Rijsenburg, Holland. Ordained 1879; pastor at Abcoude, Holland, 1906- President of the Peter Canisius Association; member of the Association for the Propagation of Knowledge among Dutch CathoUcs. Author of: "Het Boek Josue"; "Het Boek der Rechters"; "Het Hoog- lied" (all in "Biblia Sacra Veteris Testamenti"); contributor to "De Katholiek".

ARTICLE: Kings, Third and Fourth Books of (Chronol- ogy).

Smith, Helen Gbace, writer, b. at Torresdale, Pennsylvania, 15 December, 1865, daughter of Gen- eral Thomas Kilby Smith and Elizabeth Budd Mc- CuUough, Education: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Eden Hall, Torresdale. Has devoted most of her time to Uterature, research, travel, and charitable work; resident at Torresdale. Contributor to: "Atlantic Monthly"; "Lippincott's"; "The Mes- senger"; "The Rosary"; "Catholic World"; "Irish Monthly". ARTICLE: De Vere, Aubrey Thomas Hunt.

Smith, Very Reverend Ignatius, o.p., s.t.l., Ph.D. Education: high school, Newark, N. J.; Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. ; St. Joseph's CoUege, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican House of Stud- ies, Washington, D. C; Cathohc University, Wash- ington, D. C. Ordained, 1910. Professor of philoso- phy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C; at present. National Director of the Holy Name Society, and the Third Order of St. Dominic; prior, St. Catherine of Sienna Convent, New York; pastor St. Catherine of Sienna Church, New York. Editor

of: "The Holy Name Journal", and the "Torch". Author of: " The ReUgion of Dynamite"; "TheWork- ingman's Hope"; "The Classification of Desires ac- cording to St. Thomas and modern Sociology"; con- tributor to: "bominican Year Book"; "Rosary".

ARTICLES: Fumo, Bahtolommeo; John of Avila, Blessed; Labat, Jean-Baptiste; Leonard of Chios; Nider, John; Peter Chhysologus, Saint; Rites: Dominican; Thomas of JoRz; Vehe, Michael.

Smith, Reverend Joseph HroH, s.j., b. in New York, 16 March, 1865, son of Lawrence and Jane (McKee) Smith. Education: St. Francis Xavier's Parochial School and CoUege, New York; Jesuit scholasticates, Woodstock and Frederick, Maryland, and Florissant, Missouri; Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. Entered the Society of Jesus 1882; professor of Latin, Greek, and Enghsh, St. John's College, Fordham, New York, 1889-1894; former professor, Georgetown University, Washing- ton, D. C. (one year); ordained 1897; professor of Latin, Greek, and Enghsh, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1900-1907; assistant edi- tor, "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", New York, 1907-1909; minister, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, 1909-1912; assistant, St. Ignatius Church, Brooklyn, 1912- ARTICLE: Gallifet, Joseph de.

Smith, Reverend Michael Paul, c.s.p., b. in New York, 30 June, 1851. Education: St. Charles CoUege, Ellicott City, Maryland; Paulist scholasti- cate. New York. Entered the Congregation of St. Paul 1874; ordained 1879; engaged principaUy in missionary work; former superior and (1896-1898) professor of moral theology, St. Thomas's CoUege, Cathohc University, Washington; rector, St. Mary's Church, San Francisco, California, 1900-1904; rec- tor, St. Austin's Church, Austin, 'Texas, 1908-1910; stationed at St. Paul's Church, New York, 1910- 1912; founder and rector of St. Phihp's Church, Portland, Oregon, 1912-1914; and again at St. Paul's Church, New York, 1914r- . Contributor to "Cathohc World".

ARTICLES: Baker, Francis Asbubt; Hecker, Isaac Thomas.

Smith, Milton Emanuel, lectvirer, b. in Fred- erick County, Maryland, 5 February, 1844. Educa- tion: pubhc schools and Frederick College, Fred- erick County, and private school, Baltimore, Mary- land. Married Ann Josephine Griffith (d. 1883) 1866; became a Cathohc 1876; editor of "Church News". Washington, D. C, 1886-1900; married Mary Agnes Easby-Smith, daughter of WiUiam Rus- seU Smith, 1887; has lectured on a variety of sub- jects in Baltimore, Washington, and other cities; resident at Hyattsville, Maryland. Delegate and speaker. First Catholic Congress, Baltimore, 1889. Author of: "History of St. Patrick's Parish, Wash- ington"; coUaborator in "National Cyclopedia of Biography"; contributor to "Rosary Magazine", etc. ARTICLE: Ammen, Daniel.

Smith, Reverend Sydney Fenn, S.J., b. at Margate, Kent, England, 1843, son of Reverend Sydney Smith, Anglican Vicar of Worth. Education: private school. Sandwich, and Jesuit scholasticate. Stonyhurst, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Received into the Church by Father Albany Christie, S.J., 1864; entered the Society of Jesus 1866; professor of rhetoric, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 1871-1874; ordained 1877; professor: of ethics, Stonyhurst College, 1878-1879, of rhetoric, Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England, 1879-1882, of theology and Holy Scripture, St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales, 1883-1889; member of the Jesuit staff of writers. Farm Street, Lon-