Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/243

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don, 1889- ; editor of "The Month" 1897-1901; at present on the staff of "The Month". Member of the Committee, Catholic Truth Society. Author of tracts for Catholic Truth Society; joint author and editor of "Scripture Manuals for Catholic Schools".

ARTICLES: Anglican Orders; Baker, Charles, Venerable; Barrow, William, Venerable; Bellarmine, Robert Francis Romulus, Venerable; Bentney, William; Clement XIII, Pope; Co-consecrators; Gallwey, Peter; Low Church; Mortification; Nonconformists; Non-Jurors; Union of Christendom; Zeal.

Smith, Walter George, a.m., ll.b., k.s.g., law- yer, born in Logan Co., Ohio, 24 November, 1854. Education: University of Pennsylvania. Admitted to the bar 1877; married Elizabeth Drexel 1890; president of the Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; chairman of the Committee on Resolutions National Divorce Congress; chairman of the Committee on Resolutions of the Convention of the American Federation of Catholic Societies; former member of the Executive Committee of the American Bar Association; chairman of the Com- mittee on Uniform State Laws American Bar Asso- ciation. Member of the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania and of the Phi Beta Kappa Society (honor- ary). Author of: "Life and Letters of Thomas Kilby Smith"; various addresses and articles in magazines.

ARTICLES: Charitable Bequests, Citil Law Concern- ing; Divorce (in Civil Jurisprudence); Law, International; Marriage, Civil; Masses, Devises and Bequests fob (United States); Peace Congresses; Pennsylvania; Smith, Thomas Ejlby; Trusts and Bequests.

Smolinski, Colonel Joseph, b. at Quebec, Can- ada, 19 October, 1845. Education: University In- stitute, Nogent-sur-Marne, France; Pohsh National School, Paris. Has held the posts of private in United States Marine Corps and lieutenant in First United States Lancers (subsequently Niath New York Cavalry) 1861-1865; clerk in the War Depart- ment, at one time chief of division of Military Infor- mation Department, 1875-1909; attorney and gen- eral agent. United States and Foreign Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 1909-1912; Commissioner of Deeds, Amsterdam, New York, 1912- ; engaged in editing and translating a Pohsh Encyclopedia; member of Third Order of St. Francis Secular. Representative of the Poles of America before the Senate Committee on Immigration, 57th Congress, Washington; one of the two authors of Rule X, United States Civil Service; projector of Pulaski National Monument, Washington; one of the three projectors and secretary of the Executive Committee on the Kosciuszko statue, erected at West Point, New York, 1913; has attended, as delegate or upon invitation, numerous Polish conventions and con- gresses; founded Polish Business Men's Association, Amsterdam, N. Y., 1913. Honorary member of nearly all Polish National Societies of United States; corresponding member of the Society of the Pohsh National Museum at Rapperswyl, Switzerland; member of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Has contributed to "Cathohc University Bulletin". ARTICLE: Bielski, Margin.

Smyth, Patrick Gbehan, b. in Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland, 22 August, 1857. Came to America, 1889; married. Founder and editor of "The West- em People", BaUina; editor of: "The New World"; "Western Catholic"; "Cathohc Observer", Chicago. Author of: "The Wild Rose of Lough Gill" (Dubhn, 1883, 38 Eds.); "Under the White Cockade"; "King and Viking"; "The Green Flag and the Tri- color"; "Bourke of Belleek"; and other historical novels; has written several works on Irish heraldry and interested himself in the revival and propaga- tion of same.

ARTICLE : Brown, William.

Snead-Cox, John George, editor, b. in Hereford- shire, 4 April, 1855, son of Col. Richard Snead-Cox, J.P., of Broxwood, and Maria Teresa, daughter of George Weld, of Leagram, and niece of Cardinal Weld. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, London, 1881; married Mary, daughter of George Porteous, of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1891; for many years, and at present, editor of "The Tablet", Lon- don; member of Cathohc Education Council; Lord of the Manors of Broxwood, Herefordshire, and Souldern, Oxfordshire. Member of the CathoUc Education Council. Author of: "Jubilee-tide in Rome"; "Life of Cardinal Vaughan", 2 vols.; has contributed to: "Weekly Register"; "Nineteenth Century"; etc., etc. ARTICLE: Vaughan, Herbert.

SoUier, Very Reverend Joseph Francis, s.m., D.D., J.C.B., Litt.B. Education: St. Joseph's Insti- tute, MontluQon, France; St. Mary's HiU, Paignton, England; University School, Dubhn, Ireland; Gre- gorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of Mary; professor of apologetics and Church history. Seminary, Nevers, France, 1889-1891; professor of philosophy. Holy Family College, Dodon, Mary- land, 1892-1894; professor of theology (1895-1908) and superior (1902-1908), Marist College, Washing- ton, D. C; rector, Notre Dame des Victoires, San Francisco, California, 1908-1911; provincial of the Society of Mary in the United States, resident at Washington, 1911-

ARTICLES: Accemet^e; Adoption, Supernatural; Adop- tionism; Apollinahianism; Baillet, Adbien; Baius, Michel; Barcos, Martin de; Bausset, Louis-Francois de; Belsunce DE Castelmoron, Henri Francois Xavier de; Berland, Pierre; Bernis, Francois-Joachim-Pierre de; Bertrand, Pierre; Bonal, Francois de; Bonald, Louis-Jacques-Mau- bice de; Brogny, Jean-Allabmet de; BRUoifcRE, Pierre; Caillau, Armand-Benjamin; Camisards; Camus de Pont- Carr6, Jean-Pierre; Caulet, Francois-Etienne; Censures, Theological; Chanel, Pierbe-Louis-Marie; Colbert, Jean- Baptiste; Colin, Jean-Claude-Marie; Communion of Saints; Cyrus of Alexandria; Darboy, Geoeges; Deschamps, Nico- las; Dillon, Arthur-Richaed; Donnet, Ferdinand-Francois- Auguste; Dubois, Guillaume; Dupanloup, F^lix-Antoine; DuPHAT, Antoine; Durandus of Troarn; Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean; Gerbet, Olympe-Philippe ; Godet deb Marais; Lallemant, Jacques-Philippe; La Luzerne, C^sae- Guillaume; Landriot, Jean-Franqois-Anne ; Lang^nieux, BenoIt-Maeie; Lavigebie, Charles-Martial-Allemand ; Le Camus, ^tienne; Le Coz, Claude; Le Tellier, Charles- Maurice; LoM^NiE DE Brienne, IStienne-Charles de; Love, TheologicalVirtue of; Mary, Society of; M^rode, Fr^d^ric- Francois-Xavier Ghislain de; Paraclete; Pavillon, Nico- las; Perseverance, Final; Pie, Louis-Edouard-D^bir^ ; Precious Blood; Quelen, Hyacinthe-Louis de; Rapin, Ren^; Redemption; Supernatural Order; Thbophilanthropists.

Sortais, Reverend Gaston, s.j., litt.L., b. at Blain, Loire Inf&ieure, France, 4 July, 1852. En- tered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1885; for- mer professor of philosophy, St. Ignatius School, Paris; at present, associate editor of "Etudes" and "Revue de Philosophie", Paris. Author of : "Trait6 de Philosophie avec I'histoire de la philosophie", 3 vols. (4eds.); "Excursions artistiques et litt^raires," 2 series; "Fra AngeUco et Benozzo Gozzoli"; "Ihos et lUade" (2 eds.); "La crise du lib&alisme" (2 eds.); "Etudes philosophiques et sociales"; "La Providence et le miracle devant la science moderne" (2 eds.); "Le proces de Gahl(5e" (3 eds.); "Histoire de la Philosophie ancienne"; "L' attitude des Catho- Mques en face de la d^mocratie et du droit commun au XX° siecle".

ARTICLES: Gozzoli; Kaupmann, Angelica; Maqaud, An- toine-Dominique; Masaccio; Matteo da Siena; Messina, Antonello da; Morales, Luis de; Moroni, Giovanni Bat- tista; Orcagna (Andrea di Cione) ; Palma Vecchio; Par- MiGiANO, II; Pinturicchio; Pollajuolo, Antonio and Piero Benci; Sarto, Andrea del; Sassofereato, Giovanni Battista Salvi da; Tintoeetto, II; Veeocchio, Andeea del; Zuebaean, Francisco.

Souvay, Reverend Charles L^on, cm., a.b., LL.B., D.D., Ph.D., S.S.D., b. at Saulxures-sur-Mose-