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If you are going to Communion, add:

O MY God, I offer thee, to supply the deficiency of my own merits, the holy dispositions of all the saintly souls who have worthily communicated, or are now doing so, or shall do so to the world’s end.

I rise to present myself before thee. My soul burns with an ardent thirst. O give unto her the living water!


Psalm lxviii.

MY heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none.

Psalm xxi.

BUT I am a worm, and no man: the reproach of men, and the outcast of the people. All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn: they have spoken with the lips, and wagged the head. I am poured out like water; and all my bones are scattered. My heart is become like wax melting in the midst of my bowels.


MAY thy grace, O Lord Jesus! we beseech thee, afford us thy love, in order that, being sensible of the sweetness of thy most loving Heart, we may learn to despise earthly things, and love such as are heavenly: who livest and reignest, &c.


O MOTHER of beautiful love ! Mary! thou who so much desirest to see Jesus loved, unite me, attach me to thy Divine Son; but unite me in such a manner that I may never more be separated from him.