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O HEART of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! how miserable am I, and how ungrateful after so many benefits and favours, so many visits and inspirations, especial protections and graces of every kind. I have not one act of love worthy of thee. I am cold and indifferent. O Heart of my dearest Lord, full of compassion, have mercy on my extreme misery. Take my cold miserable heart, and put it in thy inflamed Heart, where it may be consumed with the love of thy holy Heart. I am all misery and sin: Thou art all mercy and compassion. Thou wert open that I might enter in and find rest to my soul in the holy sanctuary of thy Heart, where every treasure is to be found. This holy sanctuary was formed for me in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, and opened on Calvary, that in every distress I might enter and procure strength. But, alas! the blindness that holds my heart! I am wounded, and thy loving kindness compels me to come in, that you may heal my poor soul. Keep me, O Lord, and teach me to adore and thank thee. Make me know the treasures that I possess in thy holy Heart. Give me grace that I may use them for thy honour. Grant that I may no longer be like the unwise servant, who hiding his talent had no interest for his lord.


WHO am I, that grieve at the least ingratitude, and resent the smallest slight or disrespect; while I enter the church without proper respect, perhaps wholly forgetful that the Heart of my Jesus, so tender and so jealous of my love, is there waiting for me that I may offer some act of love or gratitude