Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/25

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Glory of the Arabs, beauty of all beholders."
Thus then spoke Ghanimeh, and Abu Zeyd made answer,
"Nay, but a thousand welcomes, O thou mother of Amer,
Welcomes as many be as the leagues thy feet have wandered.
Fear thou nought at our hand, nay, only but fair dealing."
And the hero Abu Zeyd called to his servant loudly :
"Forth, O Abul Komsan, nor let thy footsteps linger."
And the slave said, "Yes and yes, O thou beloved of the Arabs."
And he, "Go with this lady and build her a pavilion,
With breadths of perfumed silk, and bid prepare all dainties
That she may eat of the best, and serve her in due honour.
For well it is in life to be of all things generous,
Ere we are called away to death's unjoyful dwellings,
Even of the shoulder meat, that the guests may rise up praising."
And Abul Komsan went and all things set in order,
Even as he was bid, at the word of his lord Salame.

Said the Narrator:

And, when the lady had made an end of talking, then agreed the Emir Abu Zeyd to all her desires, and he delivered her into the hand of Abul Komsan,