Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/26

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and bade him to do her honour and to serve her in his own person, and not through the persons of others, and he gave him his commands, saying: " Take charge of her thus and thus, the while I go forth and see diligently to her affairs." And Abul Komsan did as he was commanded.

And immediately the Emir Abu Zeyd arose and went into his own tent and took out a herdsman's wallet and a lute, and went forth in disguise as a singer, of the singers of ballads. And thus travestied he came to the Assembly that he might take his leave of the Sultan Hassan and of the rest. And Hassan said to him, "O Mukheymer, whither goest thou, and what is thy design?" And Abu Zeyd made answer, "I am of a mind to journey abroad, even to the land of the Agheyli Jaber. And so he disclosed to him all his plan, both what was without and what was within, the manifest and the hidden. And as he spoke behold the Sultan's countenance changed, and he grew pale, and "Goest thou," said he, "to the land of our enemy, and takest thou from us the light of thy countenance? Leave now this adventure, and we will determine all things as is best for the fair lady." But Abu Zeyd said: "Nay, for the like of me that were a disgrace and a shame, and need is that I go: ay, though I were given to drink of the cup of confusion, yet must I go forward." And Diab said, "May no such disgrace befall thee, nor confusion, for this would be to us all a sign that thou lackedst understanding." And Abu Zeyd