Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/83

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Yet stayed she at the sound of her step, the Agheyli's daughter.
And Alia stooped and loosed from the mare her fetters of iron.
And I led her forth in joy, the mare, nor hid my pleasure.
And she brought the saddle in haste, and bound it fast with its girthing.
And she hung to it a nosebag as ready for a journey.
And I with my hand the while set on her head the bridle.
And she stood at the mare's near side, and close behind the saddle.
And she said, '^ Yet leave the cords, lest they be thy undoing."
And I left them on the ground, cords of the red silk twisted.
And she came beside me near, and held me by the fingers.
And said, " O Abu Zeyd, give ear to me and hearken."
And she brought me all of the best, and a fair change of raiment,
Garments rare of glory, rejoicing the beholders.
And she said, '^ O Abu Zeyd, leave here thy ancient garments.
And put on these, the new, O thou illustrious hero."
And I named the name of God, and I put on the raiment.
And clothed I stood as a King, even as one of the Sultans.
And she brought me too the armour of the Emir Zohane,