Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/84

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And a sword from the land of Yemen, its blade was sharp and shining,
And girt it to my left side. And I loosed it from its fastening,
And drew the blade from its sheath, and stood like the King of Terrors.
And I went to the grey mare's side, and took her rein in silence
While Alia w^ept aloud and her tears ran down in streamlets.
And I named the name of God and sprang into the saddle,
And touched the mare with my heel. But Alia still delaying
Put in my hand a spear (its point would split a pebble.
And it shone in the night like a star) and I bore it on my shoulder.
And my heart leapt high with valour, and I longed to meet the tribesmen
And charge them one and all, alone, I without helper.
And fain was I they should wake that I might give them battle,
And drive them with my sword, their mightiest men of valour.
And she brought me dates in a skin, and made me all provision.
And thus was I. And she, still clinging to my stirrup,
Cried, ** Let me go with thee, astride the mare, behind thee.