Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/281

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Tablet X.

1. Siduri and Sabitu who in the land beside the sea dwelt

2. dwelt also . . . .

3. making a dwelling, making . . . .

4. covered with stripes of affliction in . . . .

5. Izdubar struck with disease . . . .

6. illness covering his . . . .

7. having the brand of the gods on his . . . .

8. there was shame of face on . . . .

9. to go on the distant path his face was set.

10. Sabitu afar off pondered,

11. spake within her heart, and a resolution made.

12. Within herself also she considered:

13. What is this message

14. There is no one upright in . . . .

15. And Sabitu saw him and shut her place?

16. her gate she shut, and shut her place?

17. And he Izdubar having ears heard her

18. he struck his hands and made . . . .

19. Izdubar to her also said to Sabitu:

20. Sabitu why dost thou shut thy place?

21. thy gate thou closest . . . .

22. I will strike the . . . .

The rest of this column is lost, but I am able to say it described the meeting of Izdubar with a boatman named Urhamsi, and they commence together a journey by water in a boat on the second column.