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and they're willing to sublease, furnished, very reasonably. At least, reasonably for the way prices run out here. Now, why don't you take the place for the rest of the season? If Dudley is so crazy about working he can commute in to the city every day. It's only an hour."

Carmelita was thoughtful. "It sounds interesting," she admitted. How she dreaded going back into that oven of an apartment.

"All right. You hurry now and get dressed and I'll have the runabout out and we'll look the place over before dinner."

"Oh, I should have to ask Dudley before I did anything."

But Carmelita obeyed. If she only were able to spend the rest of the summer in this glorious country of sweeping, shaded roads and velvety grass, with the Sound near and the wrens waking one in the morning. It would be wonderful.

The offered paradise proved to be all that Lucy had pictured it. A nicely arranged brown stucco house with low overhanging imitation thatched roof, set amid spruces and blossoming shrubs and a flower garden of riotous color—Carmelita was captivated at once. True, it was not directly upon the Sound but she could dash over to the Hodges for her swimming and sailing.