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Yes, the fussy male member of the family at present occupying the cottage said Knowles was right; they were getting out, forced to, and wanted to sublease. A thousand a month. That was absolutely the lowest. Three or four people had been looking at it. A party was to know definitely to-day; yes, he was quite sure this other party would take it. To-morrow would be too late, he was afraid; place would be gone.

Carmelita's eyes were shining. "Very well," she cried, with sudden reckless decision, "I'll take it." She could manage Dudley somehow, she told herself.

"Fine," said the nervous knickerbockered present tenant with much relief. "I'll get out my car if you like and we'll hunt up Knowles immediately. Don't suppose we can sign any papers to-day because it's Sunday but he can be getting them ready. To-morrow do?"

"Of course you can stay over," Lucy interposed to Carmelita.

Carmelita hesitated. "I suppose so." Dudley would get in late that night; she would telephone him that she was postponing her return a day.

"Can you make a little deposit now?" hinted the man. "It's customary, you know—bind the bargain and all that sort of thing."

"Why—" began Carmelita and then she re-