Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/406

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388 APPENDIX of the months and signs of the zodiac there. They occur on many cathedrals in France and Italy. Satyrs, centaurs, and sirens : Carl Meyer, Der Griechische Mythus, etc., Rep., etc., Bd. 12, 1889, p. 235; Kraus, Gesch., II, p. 403. Also see, e.g., the carved centaur on the door of the Church of Jouin-les-marnes, twelfth century (Dehio and B., Geschichte der Kirchlichen Baukunst, plates, 320, 2), and the centaurs in the twelfth-century mosaics in the Sala Ruggiero of the Palazzo Reale in Palermo. Sculpture of satyr and centaur in Chartres Cathedral, see A. Springer, Nachleben der Antike (Bilder, etc.), p. 12. The Sibyls: Earliest known representation (with nimbus) in S. Angelo in Formis (end of eleventh century) at Capua; see F. X. Kraus, Jahrbiicher der K. Preuss. Kunstsaram- lungen. Vol. XIV, 1893, pp. 84, 86 ; also, Kraus, Geschichte, etc., II, p. 404. Also on the Sibyls in mediaeval art, see Auber, Hist, du Symbolisme Religieux, IV, 95-109 ; article "Sibyllen " in Menzel's Christliche Symbolik (1854) ; Barbier de Montault, Traits d'iconographie chr^tienne, 2d Ed., II, pp. 83-89 (1898). There is a thirteenth -century Sibyl in the pavement of the Sienna Cathedral ; and the great represen- tations of Michelangelo (Capella Sistina), Perugino (Peru- gia, Sala del Cambio), and Raphael (S. M. della Pace, Rome) are known to all. On the Physiologus and the Bestiaries, and on the represerir tation of animals in mediceval art: E. Male, L'Art religieux du Xin« sifecle, pp. 45-64 (Paris, 1898) ; E. P. Evans, Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture (1896); Cahier, Nouveaux Melanges d'archeologie (1874) ; Lauchert, Geschichte des Physiologus (Strasburg, 1889); Kraus, Ge- schichte, etc., I, p. 106; II, p. 405. On the legend of Alexander in art: M. J. Durand, La L^gende d' Alexandre le Grand, Annales Archdologiques, T. XXV, p. 141 et seq. ; Cahier, Nouveaux Melanges, I, pp. 165-180; Kraus, Geschichte, II, p. 402 ; E. Miintz, La Legeude de Charlemagne, dans I'art