Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/405

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APPENDIX 387 U, pp. 69-76, showing the correspondence between the picture cycle and the topics referred to in contemporary preaching. Syrian influence upon Carolingian art: Janitschek, op. cit., p. 29, etc.; Leitschuh, op. cit, pp. 38-53; Choisy, op. cit., n, p. 84. For the influence of Syrian miniatures on Caro- lingian art, see Strzygowski, Byzan. Denkmaler, I, pp. 53-67. On the martial spirit of the miniatures : A. Springer, Die Psal- terUlustrationen im friihen Mittelalter (Leipsic, 1880). Survival of the antique in the art of the Middle Ages: E. Miintz, fitudes iconographiques, etc. (Bib. d'art et d'arch^ologie, 1887) ; A. Springer, Das Nachleben der An- tike im Mittelalter (Bilder aus der Neueren Kunstge- schichte) ; Kraus, Geschichte der christl. Kunst, II, p. 400 et seq. ; Carl Meyer, Der Griechische Mythus in den Kunstwerken des Mittelalters, Repertorium fiir Kunstwis- senschaft, Bd. 12, p. 159, and Vol. 15 and 16 ; Male, L'Art religieux du XIII' siecle, p. 425 sqq. On the mediamal rep- resentations of the virtues and vices, arts and sciences, months, and signs of the zodiac and seasons: Male, L'Art religieux du XIII« sifecle, pp. 87-176; VioUet-le-Duc, Dictionnaire Rai- sonn^, articles "Vertus," "Arts"; Kraus, Geschichte der christlichen Kunst, II, p. 391 sqq. ; Didron, Iconographie des Vertus Thdologales, Annales Arch^ologiques, XX (1860) ; Barbier de Montault, Traite d'iconographie (1898) ; J. V. Schlosser, Beitrage zur Kunstge. Sitz. bericht. der Wiener Akad., Phil.-Hist. Classe, Vol. 123 (1890). The seven liberal arts are frequently represented in Carolingian painting, Leitschuh, op. cit., pp. 59, 269, etc. Carolingian poems on representations of the liberal arts, by Hibernicus exul and TheodulphuB, in Diimmler, Poet. I^t. Aev. Car., I, pp. 408 and 544, and in J. Von Schlosser, Schriftquellen zur Geschichte der Karolingischen Kunst, pp. 874-383. See

    • Basilica of St. Mark," writings edited under direction of

C. Boito (English Trans.), pp. 525<-528, for rapreaentations