Page:The Columbia River - Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery Its Commerce.djvu/584

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Blakeney, Capt., in charge of steamer Isabel on Upper Columbia, 278
Blalock, Dr. N. G., connection with large enterprises, 328
Blanchet, Rev. F. N., book on Catholic Missions, 154;
journey to Oregon, 155;
locates in Willamette Valley, 155
Blanchet, Rev. Magloire, Catholic Mission at Walla Walla, 157
Boas, Dr. Franz, investigator of Indian legends, 35
Bodega, first voyage, 51;
later voyage, 55
Bonneville, Capt. E. L. E., organises trading company, 161;
makes explorations on Columbia River, 162;
meets Washington Irving, 162
Bradford, Daniel, steamboat building on Columbia River, 235
Bradford & Co., steamboat line on Columbia River, 236
Broughton, Lieut. W. R., in command of the Chatham, 62;
entrance of Columbia River and exploration, 66-67;
erroneous statements, 67-68
Buchanan, James, course in regard to boundary of Oregon, 199
Bullfinch, account of American fur-trade, 101
Burnett, Peter, speech to immigrants, 169;
governor of California, 170;
opinion in regard to Provisional Government, 195


Cabinet Rapids, 321
Cabrillo, navigator on coast of California, 43
Calhoun, John C., attitude on Oregon question, 186;
peculiar situation of, 198-199
Cameahwait, chief of Shoshone Indians, meeting with Lewis and Clark party, 77;
finding Sacajawea, 78
Canadian boatmen, their skill and gayety, 132-133
Canadian Pacific Railroad, route of, over Rocky Mts., 274;
over Selkirks, 285-286;
excellence of management, 288;
steamboats on lakes, 292

Canadian Rockies, character of, and steepness of descent, 275

Canoes, 133

Cape Horn, 349

Carolina, steamer crossing Columbia Bar, 235

Cascades, a dividing line, 340;
historic and physical interest of, 340;
locks, 341;
first notice of tide, 341;
fish-wheels and spearmen, 342

Cascade Mountains, general description, 12-13;
the great peaks, 13-14;
valleys on east side, 14;
valleys on west side, 15-16;
cleft by Columbia River, 333

Cass, Senator, speech in regard to Oregon, 199

Castle Rock, unique appearance, 343;
ascents of, 344;
cave and arrowheads, 346

Catlin, George, account of Indians who sought “Book of Life,” 138

Cayuse War, beginning, 210;
ending, 212

Celiast, Indian woman, 34

Champoeg, meetings for Provisional Government, 192-193

Chelan Lake, type of Columbian lakes, 298;
first appearance, 299;
glacial origin, 300;
depth of cañon, 300;
comparison with other scenes, 300-301;
storms on, 301-302;
sunset on, 303

Chemeketa, the Indian council ground, 142

Chinook wind, legend of, 24-27

Chittenden, Major H. M., book on American fur-trade, 203

Choteau, Pierre and Auguste, founding of St. Louis, 108

Christian Advocate, account of Indians looking for “Book of Life,” 137

Clark, William, lieutenant of exploring party, 73;
Indians think him “medicine man,” 82;
Indians looking for “Book of Life,” 136-137

Clarke, Gen. N. S., in command of Columbia, 224

Clatsop Plains, favourite resort of Indians, 34

Clay, Henry, attitude on Oregon question, 186