Index:The Columbia River - Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery Its Commerce.djvu

Title The Columbia River: Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery, Its Commerce
Author William Denison Lyman
Year 1909
Publisher G.P. Putnam's sons
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Pages (key to Page Status)
Part I

Part II




The Land where the River Flows 3
Tales of the First White Men along the Coast 33
How All Nations Sought the River from the Sea and how they Found it 43
First Steps across the Wilderness in Search of the River 69
The Fur-Traders, their Bateaux, and their Stations 98
The Coming of the Missionaries to the Tribes of the River 136
The Era of the Pioneers, their Ox-Teams, and their Flatboats 159
Conflict of Nations for Possession of the River 179
The Times of Tomahawk and Firebrand 202
When the "Fire-Canoes" Took the Place of the Log-Canoes 234
Era of the Miner, the Cowboy, the Farmer, the Boomer, and the Railroad-Builder 249
The Present Age of Expansion and World Commerce 265


In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies 273
The Lakes from the Arrow Lakes to Chelan 290
In the Land of Wheat-Field, Orchard, and Garden 313
Where River and Mountain Meet, and the Traces of the Bridge of the Gods 332
A Side Trip to some of the Great Snow-Peaks 352
The Lower River and the Ocean Tides 374
Index 399