Page:The Columbia River - Its History, Its Myths, Its Scenery Its Commerce.djvu/590

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Pearce, E. D., connection with discovery of gold in Idaho, 252

Pearson, express rider, rides to notify Stevens of Great Yakima War, 219-220

Pendleton, its industries and some of its citizens, 319-320

Peoria party of immigrants, 163

Perez, voyage of, 51

Perkins, Rev. H. K. W., mission at The Dalles, 142

Peupeumoxmox, Indian chief in war of 1855, 213;
leads force to Walla Walla, 214;
killed, 221

Polk, President, management of Oregon Question, 199-200

Poppleton, Irene Lincoln, article in Oregon Historical Quarterly, 237

Portland developed by discovery of gold in California, 251;
location, 381;
transportation facilities, 382;
commerce, 382-383;
buildings, 384;
artistic character of, 385;
Historical Society, 385-386

Potter, T. J., steamer on Columbia, 248

Priest Rapids, character of, 322;
origin of name, 322;
power for pumping, 324

Provisional Government, origin of, 190-192;
organisation of, 193;
officers of, 194;
state house for, 194

Provost, J. B., at restoration of Astoria, 125;
agent of United States for receiving Astoria from Great Britain, 182;
describes Columbia Bar, 182-183

Pullman, site of State College, 315


Raccoon, British man-of-war at Astoria, 124

Railroad Creek, scenery about, 309-310

Rainier, Mt., origin of name, 32

Rector, Wm., road across Cascade Mountains, 176

Revelstoke, character as a junction, 292

Rock Island Rapids, 321

Roosevelt, Theodore, view of Calhoun's policy in regard to Oregon, 198;
reference to Columbia River, 246

Rooster Rock, appearance of, 349-350;
River below, 375

Rosalia, monument of Steptoe, 315

Ross, Alexander, adventure in Yakima country, 126-127;
narration of profits in fur-trade, 131;
on blowing up of Tonquin, 203

Ruckle and Olmstead put steamer on Columbia, 236

Russia, entrance upon American exploration, 50-51


Sacajawea, with Lewis and Clark party, 75;
sees the whale, 85;
finds her brother, Cameahwait, 78

St. Helens, Mt., origin of, in Indian myth, 22-24

St. Joe River, its beauties, 297

St. Peter's Dome, 346

Salmon River, Lewis and Clark party at the head of, 79

Saltese, Cœur d'Alene chief, 226

San José, ship connected with Indian story, 42

Scott, Harvey, character and influence as an editor, 386

Sea-otter, importance in the fur-trade, 100

Señorita, steamer on Columbia, 236

Shakspere, his location of Caliban and Ariel in the Far West, 47

Shaw, Col. B. F., battle of Grande Ronde, 222

Shepard, Rev. Cyrus, missionary to Indians, 141

Sheridan, battle at Cascades, 22

Shoshone Indians, meeting with Lewis and Clark party, 76-78

Shuswap Indians, story of, 284-285

Sierra Nevada, the steamship, its cargo of treasure, 239

Simpson, S. L., extract from poem of, 380

Smith, Rev. A. B., minister to Oregon Indians, 151;
at Kamiah, 152