Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/101

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WBNLOCK — WBNMAN. 91 tw. tnikepeeroffe, 9 May 1862 ; Lieut Col. of the Teomanry of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1859-70, and, lubeequently, Hon Col. thereof; L. Lieut of the Bait Riding, 1864-80. He m., 20 Nov. 1846, at St Oeo., Han. aq., Elisabeth, 8d da. of Richard (Grosvbnor), 2d Marqubss ok Wistminstbr, by Klisabeth Mary, da. of George Granville (Lkvcson-Gowbr), Ist Duki or Suthbrlavd. He d. at Eacrick park afad, 6 Nov. 1880, aged 62. Hia widow, who waH 6. 9 July 1824, living 1897. V. 1880. 3. Bkilby (I^awley), Baron WBNiiOCK [1839], and a Unronct [1641], lata, and h. ; 6. 12 May 1849, at 29 Berkeley aqunre ; ed. at Eton, and at Trtn. Coll , Cambridge ; M.P. for Cheater, April to July 1880, when he WN8 unaeated ; 9ue. to the peerage, 6 Nov. 1880 ; Gov. of Madraa, 1891-95. O.O.I.B., 1891. He m., 14 May 1872, at St Geo., Han. iq., Conatance Mary, let da. of Henrv (Labobllbs), 4Ui Earl op Harbwooo, by his first wife, Klisabeth Joan, da. of Ulick John (db Burou), let Marqubbs or Clamricarob [I.] She, who waa b, 27 May 1862, iaOX PamOg EttaUi — These, in 1883, consisted of 20,853 acres iu the East Ridincr of Yorkshire, and 6,227 in Shropahire, of which laat a part (here included) had been left by the then late Lord to hia aecond eon. Total, 26,080 acrse, worth £27,590 a year. Prindpal SeaL — Eacrick Park, Yorkshire. WENMAN OF KILMAINHAM. aud WENMAN OF TUAM.C) Yifoountoy /. Sir Richard Wbkman,(*») o! Thame Park,(«) Oxoii,

  • °^ r« <^^ ^' Twyford,(e) Bucks, s. and h. of Sir Thomas Wbniiak, of the

Barony [I.j fame, by Jane,(<i) da. of WilHrtm (Wbst), Lord Dblawabb, sue. his I 1628 father, 22 July 1577, being then aged four yeara ; mat at Oiford, 8 Dec. 1587, aged 14 ; waa kniglUed by the Earl of Essex, at Cadis, in 1506 ; M.F. for Oxon, 16t^ an<l 1625 ; Sheriff of Oxon, 1627, and wns cr., 30 July 1628,(e) BAIiON WENMAN OF KILMAINHAM, co. Dublin, aud VISCOUNT WENMAN OF TUAM, co. Galway [L] He in. firsUy, about 1595, Agnea, da. of Sir George Fbrmor, of Eastou Nestou, oa Northampton, by Mary, da. and h. of Thomas CURSON, of Waterperry, Oxon. She was bur. 4 July 1617, at Twyford afad.(') He m. secondly, 4 Nov. 1618, at St Barth. the Great, London, Alice, widow of Robert ChaicbbrlaT5B.(k) Another wife, Elisabeth, was bur, (*) The account of this family in "Lodge** is very incorrect It has been corrected in the "Her. and Oen.." vol. ii, pp. 521—522. See, also. Dr. Lee's " Hialorg of 7%ame" and Lipscomb's " Bucks, vol. iii, p. 181. (b) «< Originally clothi««rs of Witney, and, being the first that used wains, or carts with four wheels, to carry their cloth to London, were called Wainmen ; or else the first was a driver of a tpain," [Note by Anthony Wood, reproduced in Giles' " Wilney," 1852.] (<>) The estate of Tliame Park cnme into the family by the marriage of Sir Richard Wenman, the Viscount's grandfather (d. 7 March 1572), with Isabella, da. and coheir of John (Williams), Lord Williams de Thame ; that of Twyford came by the marriage of Sir Tliomas Wenman (father of the said Kicliard) with Ursula, da. and h. of Thomaa Giffard, of Twyford. (^) They were m. 9 June 1572, at St Diinstans in the West, Loudon. See account of her and her three other husbands in " //er. avd Gen." as in note "a," above. Her admon. was dat Oct 1621, and her will pr. Nov. following. (•) See "Oreatumt, 1483—1646," iu np. 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records. The preamble to tlie patent is in "Lodge,'* vol. iv, p. 282. It is to be remarked that, when quoted in the aubsequent creation of 1683, the date redted is there given aa 80 July, 5 Car. I., t.e., 1629, but this aeems erroneous. (0 She translated from French into English the " History of the World" by John Zonaras, written originally in Greek. She appears to have been a Roman Catholic. See " i/er. and Oen.," as in note " a," above. (s) There is a giH>d deal about this match of " Sir Richard Waynman " with " the atale widow in St. Bartholomews, that brags she had the refusal of a white staff " in J. Chamberlain's letter to Sir D. Carleton, 7 Nov. 1618. She appears to have htid some £1,600 a year, besides £2,000 ready money.